by Kimz


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Mountain biking is a great way to explore the beautiful Philippine countryside, feel the fresh air, and experience an adrenaline rush at the same time. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just getting started, it’s important to be prepared with all the right gear and safety tips before taking off on your adventure. Keep reading for everything that you need to know about mountain biking in The Philippines, from what to pack and essential safety advice. With these helpful tips, there’s no limit when it comes to exploring this breathtaking country by bike!

What You Need To Pack For Mountain Biking

To get the most out of your mountain biking experience in the Philippines, you should make sure to bring with you all the necessary items for safety and comfort. Read on to find out more!

Appropriate Bike And Gear

When planning a biking adventure, it is essential to ensure that you have the right kind of bike and gear. You need to select a bike with enough gears and appropriate for your riding style so that you can climb hills without any difficulty and also freewheel on downhill slopes.

It should be lightweight, durable and fitted with sturdy brakes. You should also bring spare parts like a pump track, brake cables, derailleur hanger etc., in case your bike gets damaged during the journey. In addition to this, other important gear such as a water bottle, patch kit, bungee cords (to carry luggage) etc., will be necessary for your activity. Ensure that all items have been checked before leaving home so as not to disappoint yourself while out there!

Protective Clothing And Footwear

When mountain biking, it is important to wear the right clothing and footwear to ensure your safety and comfort. Clothes should be breathable with moisture-wicking fabric such as polyester or spandex so that you do not overheat.

For protection from sharp rocks or branches, padded pants are a great addition. Wear fitted gloves for grip and extra padding on the palms of your hands.

On footwear, most mountain bikers choose shoes made of robust material with sticky outsoles with good grip. Look out for features like lacing locks, toe guards, heel reinforcements and soles that flex well in case you have to walk sometimes when carrying your bike up steep terrain. Wearing lightweight yet durable protective clothing and footwear will help keep you comfortable while navigating difficult terrain during your ride!.

Helmet And Safety Gear

It is essential to wear a helmet when mountain biking, as there is often uneven ground and the risk of obstacles or tree stumps in the path. Ensure your helmet fits appropriately and that it is comfortable enough to be worn for long journeys – an ill-fitting helmet will make you feel uncomfortable and can lead to dangerous situations.

It’s also important to ensure that your safety gear such as kneepads, elbow pads, gloves and other protective items fit correctly so they do not restrict movement while riding. Make sure all necessary headlamps are charged; these are highly useful when out on trails at night or during low-light conditions. Finally, take a whistle – this will be invaluable should you find yourself stranded due to mechanical failure or any other unforeseen event!.

First Aid Kit And Repair Kit

It’s important to be prepared for anything when mountain biking in the Philippines. Having a first aid kit and repair kit can make all the difference between having an enjoyable trip or ending up with medical bills or worse!

A well-stocked first aid kit should include items such as bandages, wound treatment supplies, pain relief medication, sterile gauze dressings, a thermometer and antiseptics. It is also advisable to pack basic medicines such as ibuprofen/paracetamol tablets and antihistamines. Make sure you know how to use these products correctly too!

Your repair kit should contain spare tubes, tire pump/C02 cartridges, chain lube, multi-tool (for fixing bolts), a few cable ties and depending on terrain level screwdrivers etc. If possible you should always bring some spare parts like brake pads or shifters if they are included in your bike setup.

Lastly, make sure that your phone is charged before setting off so that you can call for help in case of an emergency.

Safety Tips For Mountain Biking

Staying safe while mountain biking is essential to ensure a fun and enjoyable experience, so make sure you read up on all the necessary tips before embarking on your adventure!

Check The Weather Forecast

Before setting out on the trails, it is important to check the weather forecast. Knowing the local temperature and humidity can help you decide what kind of clothing and protective gear to pack.

If there will be rain, make sure you have waterproof layers so that you don’t end up soaked in water during your ride. It is also essential to plan for extra time if any variable conditions arise; this could mean a difference between finishing your trip risk-free or with more difficulty than expected.

Windy forecasts may require adjustments in timing and route selection as the wind can affect mountain bikers’ speed significantly. Make sure you inform someone of your plans before undertaking any extreme rides and follow trail warnings carefully too!

Wear A Helmet

Wearing a helmet while riding a mountain bike is an absolute must. Not only can it help protect your head from serious injury, but there are also laws in some places in the Philippines that require cyclists to wear helmets.

Even if you ride with extreme caution, accidents can still happen and wearing a helmet could be the difference between life and death. The best mountain biking helmets should have extra padding for added protection and comfort, an adjustable fit system for proper fitment, ventilation holes to keep your head cool during long rides, and certain certifications like CPSC or CE EN 1078 for genuine safety rating. Always check to make sure yours fits properly before heading out on your next ride!.

Pay Attention To Your Surroundings

It is vital to remain aware of your surroundings while mountain biking. Pay attention to the environment, so you don’t miss any upcoming sharp turns, rocks and bumps which may cause accidents or injury.

Additionally, be mindful of the other riders near you as well as traffic where applicable. Consider investing in a bike computer with sensors to detect changes in terrain height and provide tactile feedback when climbing or descending hills.

Furthermore, once properly acquainted with your route avoid tunnel vision by observing what else lies around it such as local wildlife and vegetation that can present unexpected obstacles such as holes, fallen branches or slippery surfaces.

Stay Within Your Limits

When mountain biking, it is important to always stay within your limits. This means knowing your skill level and the type of terrain you are tackling so that you can ride with confidence and safety.

Make sure to begin on easier trails which suit the skillset that you have acquired thus far, as this will help build up experience for more difficult ones in the future. Moreover, make sure to not overestimate yourself; many riders get injured each year because they try a trail outside their comfort zone and end up facing more than what they can handle safely.

If there’s an element of doubt as to whether or not a path is safe for you to take on, it would be wise to err on the side of caution by seeking out expert advice from local guides or seasoned adventurers before heading off down an unknown route. Remember safety first!.

Utilize Local Guides

It is always advisable to opt for the services of local guides when mountain biking in the Philippines. Along with providing you with comprehensive knowledge of the best cycling routes, they are also well-equipped to give advisory services regarding weather conditions and safety precautions.

Furthermore, they can offer invaluable insight into the area’s cultural and historical background. Local guides are usually experienced cyclists who know their way around the trails like nobody else and will help make your journey much more enjoyable by tailoring it according to your level of experience or skill. They can also inform you if you are going to a protected area, which can cause more problems.

Familiarise Yourself With The Terrain

Undertaking any type of mountain biking is a thrilling experience and involves being prepared for whatever may come your way. Before you decide to take on any track, it’s essential that you familiarise yourself with the terrain and take note of the technical sections.

Knowing where to go, which direction to head in and what potential obstacles or hazards may come along the route is vital for ensuring a safe adventure.

Researching maps of the local area can provide useful information about routes and trails, allowing you to plan ahead and avoid any unexpected areas. It also helps if you speak with locals who have already experienced riders as they can provide valuable insight into particular tracks. With this knowledge in hand, combined with some basic fitness training, taking on an adrenaline-packed mountain biking trip through The Philippines’ spectacular countryside can be truly rewarding!


In conclusion, mountain biking in the Philippines is an exciting experience that can be enjoyed by all levels of bikers. Make sure to bring the necessary equipment and clothing items, choose a location best suited to your skill level, and follow safety tips for a safe journey. With its diverse terrain and spectacular views, mountain biking in the Philippines has something for everyone!

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