Top 10 Best Protein Powder Philippines – 2024 Review


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Protein shakes are a convenient way to increase the amount of protein in your diet. This can help you lose weight, especially from around that midsection! Protein will decrease hunger by affecting appetite hormones and make it easier for hours after drinking one – not only do they keep us full and stop those cravings, which means less calorie consumption overall.

Anyone looking to optimize building muscle should consider including it in their diet if they think they’re not eating enough protein. Protein shakes can help promote lean mass by providing amino acids needed for growth, while carbohydrates from whole grains or fruit keep the body fuller longer, so you don’t feel hungry all day long!

Table of Contents

    1. No GMOs: Active Whey Proteins 100%
    2. Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) Main Ingredient: Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein
    3. High Protein Weight Gain Powder: Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass
    4. 87% Protein Purity Percentage: Rule 1 Whey Protein Isolate
    5. Best for Weight Loss: Muscletech Nitrotech Ripped Superior Fat Burning
    6. Best for Body Building: Mutant Mass
    7. Low Carb, High Protein: Wheyl Just Keto Whey
    8. Convenient sachet packaging:  Prothin Whey Ripped
    9. Hydrolysed Whey: Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey Protein
    10. BSN Exclusive Flavor Technology: BSN Syntha 6 Ultra-Premium
  • Protein Powder Buying Guide
  • Top Protein Powder Brands in Philippines
  • Conclusion
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We listed below the best Protein Powder Philippines to help you with your workout and diet practices.

1. Active Whey Protein


Active Whey Protein is a great way to get your daily protein intake without packing multiple sources into one meal. Each serving provides 24g of protein and only 124 calories, so it’s low but high in protein – perfect for someone who wants to maintain weight or build muscle mass. It also contains naturally occurring BCAAs and glutamic acid, two important amino acids beneficial for all physical activity, from endurance sports to strength training.

This product stands out, though, because of its taste and quality; it doesn’t have the same chalky texture as some other whey proteins. The flavour is smooth and pleasant no matter what you mix it with. On top of that, the extra ingredients are free from artificial flavouring agents, so you can be sure you’re getting a pure blend of proteins.

If you’re looking for an effective yet delicious way to increase your daily protein intake while avoiding processed additives found in many commercial shakes, then Active Whey Protein is a great option worth trying out! You won’t regret choosing this product as part of your healthy lifestyle – give it a try today and take advantage of its amazing benefits!


  • 24g of protein per serving to help fuel lean muscle gains
  • 124 calories per serving, perfect for anyone on a calorie-conscious diet
  • Rich in naturally occurring BCAAs


  • It takes more time to dissolve fully

2. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) Main Ingredient

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder is a top-of-the-line supplement that supports muscle recovery and promotes optimal workout results. It’s packed with a potent combination of whey protein isolate, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and essential amino acids (EAAs). This blend ensures users receive the highest quality nutrition while following their fitness routine.

One of the standout features of this product is its versatile anytime formula. Whether you need an extra boost before or after exercise, between meals, or even as part of your daily meal plan, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey has covered you. The French Vanilla Creme flavour provides a delicious taste that makes it an enjoyable addition to any diet regimen.

The product undergoes banned substance testing and adheres to strict quality control measures for maximum confidence and reliability when consuming it. With 24g of protein per serving, ON Gold Standard helps build and maintain muscle mass over time when combined with regular resistance training. Including resourceful links within its description offers additional information for users aiming for a comprehensive understanding of the benefits this trusted brand offers in the world of sports nutrition.


  • Over 4 Grams of Glutamine & Glutamic Acid
  • More Than 5 Grams of the Naturally Occurring Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
  • The “Gold Standard” for Protein Quality


  •  Does not contain Casein

3. Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass

High Protein Weight Gain Powder

If you’re looking to gain weight and build muscle, Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Weight Gainer Protein Powder is a must-have in your daily routine. This protein-rich formula provides an impressive 1,250 calories per two-scoop serving and 50 grams of high-quality protein for optimal muscle recovery support. Packed with essential vitamins such as Vitamin C, Zinc and Vitamin D for immune system support, this instantized powder offers the ideal post-workout supplement or between-meal shake to help you achieve your physique goals.

The added bonus of over 250 grams of carbohydrates per serving has been carefully incorporated into the mix to efficiently fuel workouts and replenish energy stores. Not only does this powerful blend offer numerous health benefits, but it also allows for customisable shakes by using an electric blender to add fresh or frozen fruits, peanut butter or other calorie-dense foods – making it easier than ever to increase your weight gain potential! Moreover, its rich vitamin and mineral profile is complemented by creatine and glutamine peptides that enhance overall performance.

In addition to its delicious vanilla flavour (also available in other flavours), Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Weight Gainer Protein Powder stands out from its competitors through a user-friendly design that caters specifically towards those who require additional nutritional support during their fitness journey. Experience the transformation as you pack on the pounds while honing your dream physique with this exceptional product from a trusted brand like Optimum Nutrition.


  • 1,250 calories per serving in water
  • Creatine L-glutamine & glutamine peptides, choline, inositol and PABA
  • 253g of carbohydrates t support intense workouts


  • Poor solubility

4. Rule 1 Whey Protein Isolate

87% Protein Purity Percentage

Rule 1: Whey Protein Isolate is an excellent choice for those seeking maximum protein while minimizing unnecessary ingredients. This product contains only whey isolate hydrolysates and zero sugar, fats, gluten, creamers or fillers. It also has one of the highest Protein Purity Percentages (PPP) on the market at 87%. Not only that, but it also provides 6g+ of BCAAs, which can help your muscle recovery process.

For athletes who take their nutrition seriously and want to maximize their gains from workouts, Rule 1 Whey Protein Isolate is a great choice. You’ll get all the protein you need without worrying about unneeded calories from added sugars or fats. Additionally, this product helps promote lean muscle growth since it is high in BCAAs, so that you won’t have any excess fat either!

If you’re looking for great-tasting whey protein isolate with no filler ingredients, look no further than Rule 1 Whey Protein Isolate! Its highly pure percentage of protein and low-calorie content ensures that all the benefits associated with whey will be in full effect while providing delicious flavours like chocolate and vanilla, too! So, if you are interested in maximizing your workouts by getting ample amounts of quality protein, then make sure you try this product today!


  • Formulated using whey isolates & hydrolysates, no whey concentrates
  • 6g+ of BCAAs for muscle strength and recovery support
  • Completely free from sugar, fats, gluten†, gums, creamers and fillers


  • Price is relatively high compared to other competitors

5. Muscletech Nitrotech Ripped Superior Fat Burning Whey Protein

Best for Weight Loss

MuscleTech NitroTech Performance Series Whey Isolate Chocolate 4lb earns its place as No. 3 on our list for combining the ultra-pure whey isolate primary source with added creatine and amino acids, making it superior to other whey protein formulas available in the market. This powerful blend of high-quality ingredients ensures users receive maximum benefits when consuming this top-tier product.

The key decision-making factors behind this ranking include an impressive nutritional profile, the addition of creatine monohydrate, which enhances muscle growth and strength, and a rich chocolate flavour that makes ingesting this supplement an enjoyable experience. One notable benefit is MuscleTech’s innovative formula that maximises protein synthesis by using only the highest quality sources of cold-filtered isolates with minimal lactose or fat content. Additionally, NitroTech provides a generous dose of three essential amino acids – alanine, glycine and taurine – all crucial components for repairing damaged tissue and promoting overall muscle development.

Receiving rave reviews from athletes worldwide, MuscleTech NitroTech Performance Series Whey Isolate stands out amongst competitors due to its unmatched capability to deliver fast-absorbing nutrients suitable for post-workout recovery or daily supplementation. Resourceful buyers can find useful links on our site showcasing reliable sellers offering competitive prices on this exemplary product alongside informative resources further discussing whey isolate benefits within your fitness journey.


  • Superior whey protein peptides for lean musclebuilding
  • Enhanced with a scientifically tested weight loss complex
  • An advanced formula featuring L-carnitine & CLA


  • A bit more expensive

6. Mutant Mass

Best for Body Building

Mutant Mass is an incredibly powerful supplement that can help you gain the muscle mass and strength you have been working hard for. Packed with 1100 calories per serving, this product offers 56 grams of pure time-released protein, 192 grams of clean carbohydrates with whole food complex carbs, 26.1g EAAs and 12g BCAAs, as well as essential fatty acids such as natural oils from coconut, avocado, flaxseed, pumpkin seed and sunflower.

Not only will consuming these ingredients provide the sustenance your body needs to build lean muscle mass, but it also helps promote speedy recovery after intense workouts due to its high concentrations of protein and essential amino acids (EAA’S). With Mutant Mass’s combination of pure whey isolates proteins and casein proteins, it triggers a steady release into your bloodstream, providing energy throughout the day without causing any spikes in blood sugar levels, which is perfect if you maintain a strict diet or are looking for something to sustain those long workouts!

By adding Mutant Mass into your daily routine, you can be sure that you get an all-natural source of gains and peace of mind, knowing that each ingredient has been carefully selected by mutant nutritionists experienced in sports nutrition. We highly recommend Mutant Mass regardless of whether you’re looking at short-term or longer-term gains; try it now and experience this incredible supplement’s revolutionary power to build muscle quickly!


  • High-calorie weight gainer: 1100 calories per serving
  • 92 g clean carbohydrates, including whole-food complex carbs
  • Essential fatty acids (EFAs) and natural oils from coconut, avocado, flaxseed, pumpkin seed and sunflower


  • Not ideal for weight loss

7. Wheyl Just Keto Whey

Low Carb, High Protein

Wheyl Just Keto Whey is an excellent supplement for those following a ketogenic diet. It contains 100% whey protein isolate, essential for supporting muscles and building strength. The low carb, high protein value not only supports muscle growth but also helps promote fat burning. On top of that, the product has been enhanced with natural digestive enzymes to guarantee optimal absorption of the nutrients you need. What’s more impressive is that each serving packs 24g of protein while containing no added sugars or artificial sweeteners – perfect if you’re trying to keep your sugar intake under control!

Not only does this product offer incredible benefits in terms of nutrition, but it’s incredibly convenient, too! With a powdered form that mixes easily with water or milk, it’s ideal for taking on the go and making delicious shakes at home. Plus, many great recipes are online so that you can experiment with new flavours daily – keeping things interesting!

If you’re looking for a way to support your keto lifestyle and ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs without compromising taste or convenience, give Wheyl Just Keto Whey a try today! You’ll be glad you did – guaranteed!


  • PRIME Whey Isolate is preferred for people looking for lower carbs and higher protein
  • Helps to lose weight
  • Promotes Muscle Growth


  • The taste is not the best, just okay

8. Prothin Whey Ripped

Convenient sachet packaging

Prothin Whey Ripped is an ideal protein supplement for anyone looking to support their fitness goals. It has a unique blend of ultra-filtered, instantized and crossflow microfiltered proteins that offer a high biological value to fuel your body. The added Leucine+ Carnitine helps you to stay energized during rigorous workout sessions, while the BCAAs and Glutamine aid in muscle repair and growth. Plus, it tastes delicious!

With this product, users can expect improved performance during exercise and enhanced recovery times afterwards. Additionally, adding whey protein has been shown to support healthy weight management when combined with regular exercise and balanced nutrition plans. As an essential nutrient for building lean muscle mass, it plays an important role in helping you reach your body composition goals without sacrificing taste or convenience.

Prothin Whey Ripped is designed to help athletes reach peak performance levels quickly and affordably – all while tasting great! If you’re looking for quality ingredients combined with cutting-edge science, this is the perfect choice! Try Prothin Whey Ripped today and witness the difference it makes in your daily life!


  • Provides 25g of pure whey protein per serving
  • Contains 5.3g of BCAA’s, 5.2g of Glutamine and 2g L-Carnitine to speed up muscle recovery
  • Milk Chocolate flavour for a delicious post-workout shake


  • High in carbohydrates, which may not be suitable for a low-carb diet

9. Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey Protein

Hydrolysed Whey

Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey Protein is an amazing protein powder with plenty of benefits. It contains 30g of whey protein per serving and hydrolyzed whey to ensure fast digestion and 15.5g of Essential Amino Acids for muscle growth and recovery. There are also 8.8g BCAAs that help build and repair muscles post-workout, making it a great choice for athletes or those who regularly engage in physical activity or bodybuilding. The powder itself is instantized so it mixes quickly in water or shakes, making it a convenient way to get your daily needs of proteins.

Another benefit of this product over other protein powders is its ultra-pure Platinum level formula from Optimum Nutrition, offering the highest quality assurance possible on your whey supplementation. With this high-quality product, you know exactly what you’re getting without worrying about unnecessary additives or fillers often found in lesser-quality products on the market today.

If you’re looking for an effective way to increase your daily intake of proteins, then look no further than Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey Protein! It provides all the necessary nutrition needed to help grow and strengthen muscles while giving you peace of mind, knowing that you have a trusted source for obtaining vitamins and minerals each day at affordable prices, too! So pick up some Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey Protein today – your body will thank you later!


  • 8.8 g BCAAs
  • Naturally & Artificially Flavored
  • Advanced Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolates


  • A bit more expensive

10. BSN Syntha 6 Ultra-Premium

BSN Exclusive Flavor Technology

BSN Syntha 6 Ultra-Premium is a great protein supplement for your workout routine. It contains six types of proteins that help provide mid-, fast-  and slow-acting energy to get you through your most intense workouts. This product also contains MCTs, EFAs and Glutamine Peptides, which help support muscle growth by reducing muscle breakdown. What’s more, the high fibre content in this supplement gives it an added edge compared to other brands in its class.

Furthermore, the BSN Syntha 6 Ultra-Premium is extremely versatile, making it a great pre-workout or nighttime recovery drink option. It will provide you with a burst of energy needed during those strenuous workout sessions and help you replenish lost nutrients post-exercise, helping promote better overall fitness health. Its smooth, creamy taste and ability to mix effortlessly make drinking it enjoyable!

If you are looking for an effective protein supplement that can address your needs, look no further than BSN Syntha 6 Ultra- Premium! With its scientifically approved formula and exceptional ingredients, this one should be at the top of your list – so don’t wait any longer and get yours today!


  • 22g protein per serving
  • Available in over 10 decadent flavours
  • 10 Grams of Essential Amino Acids Per Serving


  • Higher fat content

Protein Powder Buying Guide


Whey Protein Concentrate – If you’re new to protein supplements, Whey Protein Concentrate will be your best bet. It has an affordable price and a high percentage (80%) of pure proteins! The rest contains other ingredients such as amino acids or artificial sweeteners for better absorption rates, which means they can help supplement our diets when we need them most without having too many calories with each serving.

Whey Protein Isolate- Whey Protein Isolate is the best protein type for those looking to build muscle fast. It contains 85-90% whey, which packs more per serving than other proteins.

Whey Protein Hydrolase – Whey Protein Hydrolase has the highest protein content at about 95%, which is perfect for bodybuilders or those who want to focus on consuming only what they need with their shakes. Alongside this high concentration of nutrients, it also helps that Whey Proteins are predigested so that your system absorbs them more easily and quicker than other options on the market today.


It’s important to choose a protein powder with a flavour you like. There are vanilla and chocolate for those who prefer classic, rich flavours or strawberry if they want something more unique after their workouts! Drinking one before buying larger quantities can also help decide what product will work well.


Many types of protein shakes are on the market, but it can be hard to decide if they’re worth your time and money. Instantized formulas have been created, so you don’t need a blender! With just water mixed with spoon-stirs ready for immediate consumption – these drinks might be what you’ve always wanted in a diet shake without making any extra work or messes.

How To Choose The Best Protein Powder For Your Fitness Goals

To choose the best protein powder for your fitness goals, start by evaluating what you want to achieve and consider any dietary restrictions or preferences you have. Read product labels and reviews, consult with a healthcare professional if necessary, compare nutritional profiles and ingredients, and check for quality control certifications.

Evaluate Your Fitness Goals

Before diving into the world of protein powders, evaluating your fitness goals and determining what you aim to achieve is crucial. Identifying whether you want to build muscle mass, increase endurance or strength, lose weight, or simply maintain overall health can significantly impact which product will best suit your needs.

For instance, bodybuilders and those focused on building larger muscles might benefit from a whey protein powder with higher concentrations of essential amino acids that promote muscle growth. Conversely, endurance athletes may require a slower digesting protein such as casein or plant-based options that provide sustained energy throughout training sessions. Moreover, if your primary goal is weight loss, consider opting for low-carb meal replacement shakes packed with nutrients fibre and high-quality proteins.

By assessing your objectives alongside factors like your current workout regime and dietary preferences, you can effectively narrow down the top 10 Best Protein Powder Philippines – 2024 Review products tailored to achieve these goals. Remember that proper nutrition goes hand-in-hand with regular exercise when striving for optimal results – always set realistic expectations about how supplements can support your journey without substituting good health practices altogether.

Consider Your Dietary Preferences And Restrictions

Considering your dietary preferences and restrictions is crucial when selecting the best protein powder to suit your needs. Choosing a product that aligns with your nutritional requirements and lifestyle choices is essential, ensuring it complements rather than hinders your progress towards achieving your fitness goals.

For example, if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, opt for plant-based protein powders such as pea, hemp or brown rice proteins instead of the standard whey protein derived from milk. Individuals with specific allergies or intolerances should also be vigilant in finding alternatives to conventional products—those with lactose intolerance may consider using casein-free options like soy or egg white protein. In addition, some people may prefer organic or non-GMO products due to their commitment towards health and environmental concerns.

In short, understanding and respecting your dietary preferences and restrictions will enable you to find an ideal protein supplement that fuels your body and long-term wellness journey effectively. By carefully researching available options within the market, you can discover flavoursome combinations tailored specifically for nurturing personal growth without sacrificing taste preference or core values, driving healthy living ambitions forward into 2024 and beyond!

Read Product Labels And Reviews

Reading product labels and reviews thoroughly will significantly aid in your search for the best protein powder. Labels provide valuable information concerning ingredients, nutritional facts, allergen warnings, and serving sizes – all crucial factors when selecting a fitness supplement that aligns with your dietary preferences and health requirements. For instance, upon examining its label, you might come across a highly recommended whey protein product but discover it contains artificial sweeteners or added sugars; this could be a decisive factor if you prefer an all-natural formula.

Customer and expert reviews offer additional insights into the actual usage experiences of other users as well as professional opinions on each product’s effectiveness. By perusing various sources such as online platforms like e-commerce websites or social media discussions where sports nutritionists frequently engage with consumers regarding popular products within the industry – like mass gainers or vegan protein powders – it is possible to uncover those minor yet insightful details that may not be evident only by reading labels. Paying attention to positive remarks and constructive criticism helps build a comprehensive understanding of what works for people with similar fitness goals, ultimately guiding you towards choosing an ideal protein supplement tailored specifically for your unique needs.

Consult With A Healthcare Professional

It is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before adding new supplements or dietary changes to your routine. A physician, nutritionist, or registered dietitian can help you determine which protein powder best meets your fitness and health goals while considering medical conditions or special dietary needs.

For example, if you have lactose intolerance or are following a vegan diet, opting for plant-based protein powders instead of whey-based ones may be beneficial. Additionally, if you have pre-existing kidney issues or other underlying health concerns, it may be necessary to adjust your protein intake to avoid potential complications.

A healthcare professional can also help ensure that the protein powder you choose is free from harmful additives and contaminants. They can offer advice on dosage and timing of consumption for optimal benefits and post-workout recovery. By consulting with a healthcare provider, you can choose the protein supplement that best suits your fitness goals and overall well-being.

Compare Nutritional Profiles And Ingredients

Comparing nutritional profiles and ingredients is important in choosing the best protein powder for your fitness goals. When comparing products, take a closer look at the macronutrient content of each serving, including the amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. A higher protein content with moderate carbs and fats may be ideal if you’re trying to build muscle or gain weight. On the other hand, if you’re looking to lose weight or maintain lean muscle mass while cutting calories, a lower-calorie option with more emphasis on protein might be better.

Aside from macronutrients, also consider micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. While some powders may have added nutrients like iron or vitamin D to support overall health and performance, others might have high amounts of artificial flavours or sweeteners that could harm your body over time. Don’t forget to also check for allergens – many powders contain dairy or soy, which could cause issues if you’re sensitive.

Generally, it’s always best to opt for organic options whenever possible and read product labels carefully to ensure you know what’s going into your body. Consulting with a healthcare professional can also help ensure that any supplement aligns with your individual needs and won’t interfere with any pre-existing dietary restrictions or medical conditions you have.

Check For Certifications And Quality Control

It’s important to ensure that your protein powder is high quality and free from harmful chemicals or additives. Look for certifications from reputable organizations, such as NSF International and Informed-Sport, which test products for banned substances and verify label accuracy.

Additionally, check the ingredient list for any unnecessary fillers or artificial sweeteners. Opt for a product with simple, whole-food-based ingredients to ensure optimal health benefits. Don’t forget to read customer reviews as well! This can give you insight into potential issues with taste, mixability, or overall effectiveness.

These steps will help ensure you get the best protein powder possible to support your fitness goals and overall health.

Top Protein Powder Brands in the Philippines


Athlene Nutrition takes pride in sourcing the best ingredients, no matter how far or near they are from your home. Their mission is to provide an informed consumer with quality products carefully formulated for maximum effectiveness and safety.

Optimum Nutrition

Optimum Nutrition is more than just a supplement company; it is about helping you get the most out of your body by providing high-quality ingredients and strict manufacturing standards.


Protein shakes are a convenient and effective way to increase your protein intake, which can help with weight loss and muscle growth. By including them in your diet, you can decrease hunger hormones and feel fuller longer. If you want to optimize your health, protein shakes should be part of your routine!


When should I drink protein shakes?

Fitness enthusiasts often recommend taking a protein supplement 15–60 minutes after exercise. The anabolic window is said to be the perfect time for getting all of its potential benefits, which include increased muscle mass and recovery times.

How many times should I drink protein shake in a day?

Protein shakes can be a great way to get all the nutritional benefits from eating well without having any fear of being too full. For most people, anywhere from one - three protein shakes per day should do just fine!


This post was brought to you by Kimz House.

Disclaimer: The opinion is solely based on our testing or intensive research with customer feedback around the most popular shopping platform such as Shopee and Lazada. The products/services shown here are available and valid upon the publication date. It may change from time to time. Please email us at [email protected] if there is any discrepancy.